Monday 7th June 2021
We are now constrained by locks as well as tide and wind. We managed a few hours sailing before needing to put on the motor in order to arrive in time to cross the shallow water in the harbour entrance before entering the lock. Despite being assured by the lock master we had until 7 pm, caution meant we arrived at 5 and even then only had a few centimetres under our keel...!

Hartlepool Harbour underwent a huge regeneration programme twenty years ago and claims to have the best Marina in Europe. It's certainly large with great facilities a la Port Solent but now lacking in charm. HMS Trincomalee, a restored frigate built in 1817, the oldest boat afloat in Britain can be seen beyond Seahorse - sadly they opened too late for us to visit.

The town's mascot is a monkey - rather a sad story of a monkey being washed ashore, the only survivor from a shipwreck in the Napoleonic wars; as he was dressed in military uniform he was court martialled and hung for a spy....

A lovely sail to begin with down to Whitby and once more time pressure - this time a lifting bridge.
Please don't forget that Didi and Susannah are raising money for SWAY.